Student Comments
Penn State Students
Coming just as soon as I find time to type them in--promise. Meanwhile, you can view SRTE (student rating of teacher effectiveness) scores for all the classes I have taught at Penn State. comments
websiteDr. Boon was by far the most influential teacher I have ever had. He taught me the things that every student needs to know about college that isn't written in any books. The knowledge and experience he shared is priceless. I feel he helped me refocus to what needed to be done. He is tough but for good reason. He's fascinating and entertaining.
I'm a junior now and Boon's English class is one of the few that I can remember significantly and that still helps me today. Hhe is very challenging and grades very tough but only to prepare you for main higher level classes where he seems like an easy grader. He is one of kind..also a great musician and writer.
NOT AN EASY A! Probably my most difficult class to date, and probably the most rewarding as well. He challenges you in such a way that it will bring out a new side to you. His grading policy is great: he allows you to rewrite most of the assignments any number of times, until you get the grade you want. Hilarious, his swearing is like poetry.
This guy is the best teacher I've had in college. I've gone on to a different campus and haven't had class with Boon for years. I didn't appreciate him at first because I didn't have too many other teachers to compare him to. Now I do. He motivates you to think and doesn't push any agenda besides whats in the curriculum, and that is a rare find.
I can safely say that Boon's class has been of the most useful to me here at University Park. He's really not a hard grader compared to most of the people here. Unless you're lazy, you'll do fine. I can honestly say that thanks to his class, I was able to land my dream job. Work your butt off in this class, it is worth it.
"He incorporates his past experiences into his teachings so that you are prepared for the real world. I learned more in his class about myself and the necessary skills I would need to succeed than in any other class I have ever taken."
Dr. Boon speaks code very well. Magnificent instructor, must take at least one of his classes at some point.
If you have a serious desire to learn how to write fiction, Dr. Boon is your man. He will provide insider knowledge and wisdom on the rules to writing great fiction. Dr. Boon will also provide objective constructive criticism on anything you write. I've never seen such precise clarity and non bias in any other professor, anywhere, ever.
"This class is a really challenge, but probably the most benifical class you will have in your college career. Dr. Boon its and excellent teacher, that is about to justify his teachings through real world experiences."
"NOT AN EASY A! Probably my most difficult class to date, and probably the most rewarding as well. He challenges you in such a way that it will bring out a new side to you. His grading policy is great: he allows you to rewrite most of the assignments any number of times, until you get the grade you want. Hilarious, his swearing is like poetry."
"Has a well deserved reputation for being a tough grader - only because he expects you to do your best. He seems to really enjoy teaching and works hard to help students get the most out of the class."
Other Schools
"Of more than thirty hours of English classes, this has been the most enjoyable because it has been the most enlightening. . . . Boon is excited about his field and genuinely entertaining. It amazes me that I pay the same for his 3 hours of class credit, where I learn and enjoy so much, as I pay for other professors."
"This teacher was one of the best I've ever had. He was well-prepared, interesting, and kept the humor alive in the classroom. He worked us hard, but kept things fun. He was open to the students ideas and comments and never made students feel stupid for participating in class. He knows a lot, but didn't act like a know-it-all."
"Mr. Boon was very well prepared for class. His knowledge of the subjects was astonishing. I have enjoyed the intelligent discussions from both he and the class."
"Although this class was very difficult, I feel as though it has helped improve my writing a great deal. He was very helpful when I had to reach him outside of class. He was funny and related things in a way that was easy to understand."
"He offered a wealth of information in relation to the texts and went out of his way to provide additional work of the authors covered. Feedback from the students was very important to him."
"Professor Boon went beyond the normal realm of British literature and offered the class additional information about the times."
"Kevin Boon is an excellent instructor of Modern British Literature. It is obvious that he enjoys teaching the subject. . . . This was my most challenging course of the semester; I thought more about the ideas & concepts taught in this class than any other."
"Professor Boon is one of the rare and refreshing finds at U.S.F. His teaching style and enthusiasm add light and vision to an otherwise dry subject. He not only supplements the course with additional reading, but he goes out of his way to provide insightful and personally relevant experiences which the student can relate to."
"Mr. Boon was recommended to me by the English Dept. and I agree with their recommendation. He is a very tough grader, but, nonetheless, a very good instructor."
"I found that this instructor let the class have lots of opportunity to ask questions and add our opinions when appropriate. It was clear that he knew his material well and presented it in a stimulating way. He made us understand why the stories we were reading were important to read."
"Mr. Boon has stimulated my interest in reading fiction . . . by making me analyze more closely the purpose behind the story and all the elements that are involved in the story. Before taking this class, I read fictional stories very superficially and Mr. Boon has taught me to look a little deeper."
"He was an interesting professor and made you think about what you said in his class."
"Mr. Boon knows the material. He makes the course interesting. He also takes in student's questions and comments. Although he is a tough grader, he makes us try harder."
"Mr. Boon was an effective teacher because he involved the whole class in the discussions about the material. he was open-minded to students' ideas, but also informative. He really prompted me to think."
"Having an extensive literary background, I had read most of this material before. The instructor still managed to offer fresh insight and perspective."
"I am satisfied with what I have experienced and learned in this class. The reading material was very interesting and the discussions were pertinent and thought-provoking. The assignments are fair and have helped me develop my appreciation of fiction."
"Boon is a very contemporary instructor. His method of teaching reflects the age of the students. This stimulates the students' thinking and keeps them thoroughly attentive. He is a great asset to this department and the careers of his students."
"Dr. Boon is an instructor w/ personality; he conveyed his ideas w/ a great deal of color and eloquence. I'd say his vital personality is exceptional."
"Professor Boon made the material very interesting, effectively providing the class with a framework for which to appreciate the works. . . . Professor Boon was also very approachable and entertaining."
"The class was fantastic. The novels got me interested in reading other detective novels."
"All his assignments have been relevant to the course; such as, memos, letters, informal reports, and even formal reports. The assignments . . . would not have been as effective if he had not set up the class similar to a corporation. In this fictitious classroom corporation, students were assigned to certain departments based on their majors and interests."
"The technical writing class was very effective. Mr. Boon divided the class into different departments, . . . everybody could choose the best group to be in according to their majors."
"Boon is a tough but good teacher. He wants you to learn from your mistakes and I think this is why he is so hard. I believe he is fair."
"The instructor is very knowledgeable in this area, and it shows. Good sense of humor. Overall, I enjoyed his presence. Hard grader-- makes you strive to get that high grade."
"The instructor is very . . . [illegible] and clever, with lots of personal experience making the class very interesting and humorous."
"Kevin Boon made me think more before I started to write a paper. I no longer just wrote something to get a grade, but started to plan the paper before writing it."
"Mr. Boon was always prepared for class. He was able to relate the subject material to practical applications. Required assignments related to the course material. All grades were explained with comments."
"I feel Kevin A. Boon's class will benefit me tremendously in the future. He gave a very 'real world' perspective of the business world. I am confident that the knowledge I gained from his class will adequately fulfill my writing needs."
"I enjoyed this class and I learned a little more about the real professional world."
"The instructor stimulated the students' thinking. Course material and lectures were relevant and gave hints on how to do thins in a business environment."
“This course has helped me a great deal, not only in business writing, but in business communication. My writing has improved. So has my confidence in being able to go after a job that I feel I am qualified for. I would not have done that before.”
“I believe that I am a better writer since taking the course. The course required a lot of work, but I found it challenging. The instructor . . . made the class interesting even though I have never liked to write.”
“Although I have always considered myself a good writer, I have improved my skills through this course.”
“The instructor was extremely well prepared. He was very knowledgeable about various subjects related to the material. Quick and spontaneous.”
“Mr. Boon is quite knowledgeable which is his greatest strength. He is very thorough when answering students’ questions.”
“I feel like the light was turned on in my mind. I never would have picked up a literature book or a book of poetry. I have learned a lot.”
“Although I did not like the idea of my recall being tested, I must admit, the testing definitely caused me to read everything which I feel, in the long run, increased my learning.”
“This course was challenging, but also rewarding.”
“This . . . is one of the best classes I have had, despite my fear of . . . literature.”
"When I walked into class the first day, I had no idea what to expect from an 'Expository Writing' class. But to my surprise and delight, I became very interested in the class. The assignments required a lot of research (I'm an expert on the library now) and I found myself spending more time on these than on my classes for my major. Even though the work was tough, it was worth the effort. Mr. Boon certainly knows his subject and his enthusiasm about writing is infectious."
"The instructor has a new and fresh approach to writing. His honesty is refreshing, and I have learned a great deal from this class. He has given me confidence in my writing skill."
"I lost a lot of my fear of writing . . . I really wanted to do good because I agree with the ideas and goals of the course. Finally, an instructor who is interested in your point of view and knowledge. Too bad there are only a few instructors like this."
"I learned a lot, but in a fun way. I only missed class once and not by choice. I did not attend class because he took role, but because I did not want to miss anything. . . . If there was any question about something, he would explain it again and again until we all understood. He was always available for advice on our papers which greatly helped."
"I used to be very nervous when I wrote papers, but now I write them with ease and get good grades on them. . . . I think he is one of the most helpful teachers I've had in college."
"I had a horrible image of this class and what its assignments would be like, until the instructor actually started presenting the material to us. After that, my impression of the class changed. I actually liked this class. Boon made it an enjoyable experience."
"He came to class prepared to help. All of his assignments made us think and work hard. He was available by appointment before any project was due."
"Boon is a tough grader, but I think that it is to our advantage that he is. My teachers prior to him seemed too easy and I got by with relatively little work. Boon made me work harder for my grade and made me a better writer for it. "
"Mr. Boon was well-prepared & knowledgeable of all subjects explored. He showed patience with anyone who didn't understand. I realized that writing reviews, editorials, etc is much more involved that I thought."
"Kevin Boon is a professor who speaks to and relates with the student. Never has he spoken down to any student & makes himself easily accessible for assistance if needed."
"I learned more about writing in his class than in any English class I've every taken."
"He stimulated my thinking and graded fairly."
"Boon is very knowledgeable of the subject matter and presents it in a contemporary and very easy-to-understand fashion. I found him to be genuinely interested in conveying the various concepts contained in this course as completely as possible. Mr. Boon was very accessible out side of class and was willing to devote considerable time to providing individual instruction. I could not be more pleased with the manner in which this course was presented and executed. Mr. Boon both stimulated my interest in and expanded my understanding of the subject matter. "
"Boon is the best writing teacher I've ever had. He comes up with wonderful analogies and comparisons when he comes across a concept that is hard to get across. He also refrains from talking 'over' his students."
"Boon is one of those rare professors who makes learning enjoyable. I always looked forward to his classes because he stimulated class interaction. He was fail in every respect and his new teaching methods were quite refreshing."
"This course was the hardest English class I have ever been in, but I also learned more in this class than any other English class I have taken."
"Boon taught us the importance of addressing a specific audience in our writing, and being able to communicate clearly and effectively to them. He taught us to think in class and to give more than 'textbook' answers. In no way did he allow anyone to 'just get by.' We were forced to think and clearly communicate our thoughts. Lastly, he relates well to students and easily communicated to us what he wanted us to know."
"I never really enjoyed English until this year. Mr. Boon always kept his class involved and that, in turn, kept me interested. His presentation was creative."
"I found the teacher very helpful, always willing to give up his private time to the students. The assignments were challenging, promoting thinking."
"The instructor was very interesting. He made sure that we were constantly thinking."
"Boon has been a truly inspirational teacher. He has explained the purpose of writing short essays and relentlessly tried to help us achieve that purpose. His style of teaching and sense of humor have made me enjoy his class."
"He always held my attention and encouraged me to want to know and understand more. "
"He assigned papers that we could relate to which made it easier to write."
"His lectures were focused to our interests which made class discussion effective. He seemed to be prepared for class and any question that came his way. The assignments he gave prompted us to use our imagination as well as logic to communicate our ideas. He communicated well with our class which helped us all learn a great deal about critical thinking & writing."
"Along with teaching the basic knowledge of writing, he has taught us about ourselves--the way we look at society and the way society looks at us."
"Boon is a tough grader but is flexible in our work. He is effective, teaching the class . . . in an interesting and thought provoking manner. He keeps the students lively and interested. He also takes special care to help students with problem areas."
"Boon is one of the most qualified and interesting teachers I have ever had. He explains everything in detail and he always seems to give examples that you can relate to. His knowledge of English is unsurpassed but this makes it a little difficult to get great grades in his class. I guess he just wants you to push a little harder to make the grade."
"His dedication to teaching was evident in his lecture and assignments. He goes beyond the norm in assigning essays, meaning, he actually enables the students to think and reflect upon their prior experiences and education while doing their homework. This type of critical thinking- -in my experience--is rarely expected from students. He does a great job!"
"I never dreaded coming to English class because his lectures were always interesting."
"He caused me to want to be more than just an average person . . . to open my mind."
"Boon was prepared for class. He put in a lot of personal experience and that has made the class interesting. I learned a new perspective in this class. I feel my writing has improved."
"Boon's teaching methods are dynamic and interesting. He grades fairly. He explains why he grades the way he does, if asked. He made the students think about what was going on in class."
"The assignments stimulated student thinking. The instructor was encouraging and willing to help after class."
"His teaching methods work. It is hard for me to remain interested in a subject for 3 hours, but Mr. Boon kept my attention."
"He was well prepared for class and made classes interesting. The class required a lot of work, but all of it was valid. It was a hard class; but I feel that I gained a lot from this class. I feel that my writing has improved and that Mr. Boon's comments were helpful."
"I learned to be more disciplined in my writing."
"His knowledge of English, along with may other subjects, impresses me highly. His critiques are very relevant and helpful. He is also very understanding. I appreciate all of his help."
"Mr. Boon had a complete mastery of the subject. In addition, he was able to explain the subject in an understandable form."
"By using devices like movies and screenplays rather than only the 'standard' literature text, we were able to learn more than we would in another English-literature class."
"He was helpful and effective. His class helped me think more along the line of what is beneath the tip of the iceberg. He helped me think more rationally and opened my eyes to writing."
"He was always on time, well prepared, and made sense in his teaching. His idea of 'changing the world' through writing enabled Mr. Boon to make me think of how and why I was writing. . . . Mr. Boon used his knowledge and humor to make the learning experience more enjoyable."
"At first his grading system seemed quite harsh, but I now realize it did serve a function in challenging me to do my best."
"He never considers himself as superior to the student which gives the class a positive attitude."
"He stimulated my thinking and my way of writing has changed drastically."
"At first, I felt the professor's grading was a little harsh. As the course proceeded, however, I understood that clarity in effective writing is most important when trying to convey ideas."
"The instructor provided an excellent learning environment that encouraged participation."
"Boon was down to earth and didn't make it seem like he was better than us. He seemed to enjoy being around us and teaching us things."
"He was very down to earth and taught me more about life than any other teacher. He seems as though he's almost all-knowing (in psychology, English and other subjects)."
"The instructor definitely stimulated thinking and class participation. He created a friendly environment for the students to interact with each other [in]."
"His insight has been an inspiration to me and my writing."
"I found the class interesting, exciting, and intellectually challenging."